...an introduction! This is the kid with the Yoda hat! See? He's wearing his Reptar shirt. He was also wearing the belt. Amazing.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Day Thirty - Helmet
Thirty days already. Wow! I'm amazed that I stuck to it for this long. Let's see if I last a year. I saw this helmet in a display case at Southside Harley-Davidson. There was a black and white one, too.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Day Twenty-Nine - Dinner: Epic
Today, we drove for about an hour to have dinner. But this wasn't just any dinner. It was dinner at Fogo de Chao. It's a Brazilian steakhouse, and it's amazing. You pay fifty bucks a person (but tonight it was thirty), and you get unlimited salad bar and meat. The waiters walk around with these huge slabs of freshly cooked, warm meat of all kinds. There's top sirloin, bottom sirloin, parmesan encrusted pork, sausage, chicken legs, leg of lamb, bacon wrapped chicken, bacon wrapped fillet minion, fillet minion, rib-eye, and more. It's amazing, especially for a carnivore such as myself. Needless to say, I thoroughly enjoyed the evening. If you get the chance, go there.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Day Twenty-Eight - Screenshots
I take a lot of screenshots of my iPod. Don't ask me why. So here you go, proof that I have all of the best games ever. And this isn't even half of it. Oh, yeah
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Day Twenty-Seven - Something's Wrong
I was waiting in the hall before my piano lesson today, and I happened upon this. Is it just me, or is something wrong with this picture?
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Day Twenty-Six - Sleepover
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Day Twenty-Five - Crazy New Schedule
I was cast as Rizzo in my school's new production of Grease. Along with practice almost every day, I also have to fit a piano lesson and two different choir practices around it. Insanity.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Day Twenty-Four - Famous Sims
Fooling around on the Sims, my friends and I somehow managed to make a guy that looked like Titanic-era Leo DiCaprio...
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Day Twenty-Three - Mexi-Coke
My mom was at the store, and found a bottle of Coca-Cola from Mexico. It's made with real sugar, and tastes, well, strange. It's good, but different, with a very pleasant aftertaste.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Friday, January 21, 2011
Day Twenty-One - Experiment Gone Wrong
In Integrated Chemistry and Physics today, we were doing a lab involving poker chips to simulate the half-life of carbon and how it can be used for carbon dating. Needless to say...we got a little off track...
We built several of these, Godzilla-ing each one. Our teacher didn't even notice. I love labs.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Day Nineteen - When You Get Lost...
...this is what you see. Went to the city with a friend, we got lost, we saw this, I took a picture...R.I.P., Michael. May people continue to paint you on the sides of buildings.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Day Eighteen - Robot Unicorn Attack!
Yes, I do have an addiction. As far as addictions go, though, it's a fairly harmless one. Apparently, I will fail! Occasionally it tells me that a fiery death awaits me. How exciting!
Monday, January 17, 2011
Day Seventeen - Dentist
So guess what?!
I went to the dentist's office today. Isn't that a good look for me? On the plus side, now that I'm eighteen, I don't have to do that fluoride duck-bill thing anymore. Thank goodness!
I went to the dentist's office today. Isn't that a good look for me? On the plus side, now that I'm eighteen, I don't have to do that fluoride duck-bill thing anymore. Thank goodness!
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Day Sixteen - Reconnection
I had dinner with an old friend tonight. She works in the Subway of a college dorm, so I went in during her break and ate with her. College students will never cease to amaze me. Gotta love 'em.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Day Fifteen - Dog Pile!
I was at the mall with a friend today, and I guess there was a Humane Society event going on. the entire center of the mall was filled with pens of puppies. There were a few cat cages, and some workers had older dogs walking around on leashes. I have a weakness for dogs, so I spent quite a bit of time here.
Dog pile! There was another puppy (I think he was a greyhound) who was so excited about all the people around his pen that he leaped up and clung to the top of the fence like some sort of spider dog. As I said, adorable. But what breaks my heart are the older dogs. No one ever wants to adopt them, and they're so sweet. So, please, take a trip to your local humane shelter and think about adopting a dog. Not a puppy. I know they're cute! But there are tons of people who want puppies. You may be the only person willing to give that dog a good home and a loving family for the remaining years of its life. Be kind, and adopt a dog.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Day Thirteen - The Death of Summer
As I was looking at our daisy bushes at the end of summer/middle of fall season, I saw this. It died not soon after I took this picture, so I'm glad I took it when I did. I think it documents the change of seasons nicely.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Day Eleven - Harry Potter Marathon
Snow day today, so my best friends and I had a Harry Potter marathon. My friend managed to pause the first movie right as cat McGonagall was jumping off the desk to transfigure into a human.
And that's what we got. Beautiful, isn't it?
And that's what we got. Beautiful, isn't it?
Monday, January 10, 2011
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Day Nine - The Dam
I took this picture a while ago at the Mansfield Dam. Thought it was nice, and since I don't plan on going anywhere interesting today, I won't be able to take a picture of something that's worth posting. So, here you go. Pretty water.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Day Eight - Boo
A few years ago, my sister was at her boyfriend's mom's house, and they saw a little black lab puppy running around. After looking for her owner, with no success, my sister and her boyfriend decided to keep her and name her Boo. My sister brought her over one day, and as she was running around outside, she tried to hide under one of our Hosta bushes
She's grown up a lot since this picture was taken, but it's still my favorite.
She's grown up a lot since this picture was taken, but it's still my favorite.
Friday, January 7, 2011
Day Seven - The Common Cold
I'll keep this short, as I am extremely tired and want to hit the sack as soon as possible. I went with my sister to get her books for her upcoming semester of college, which will also be her last. As we were standing in line, I noticed a display of adorable little stuffed animals next to us. At least, I thought they were animals. As it turns out...

...they were not. The things you find on college campuses. Also, I know this is technically more than one picture, but I've decided that a photo chain blog every once in a while could be a good thing. Good night.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Day Six - Trivia!
In Computer Apps, if you get a 100 on your paper, you get a chance to answer a trivia question for a prize. Well, I answered a trivia question, and I won this!
Chewy sour things. They were noms. The trivia question was about what exciting thing had recently happened to our marching band. I answered that we won $50,000 in a Pepsi grant (having already won $25,000). Which is awesome.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Day Five - Sad Outlets
I was sitting in my Computer Apps class today (don't laugh, it's required for graduation) and I noticed that there were outlets, well, pretty much all over the floor. Every couple of feet, outlet. On the floor. Crazy, right? Then, as I was staring at them mindlessly, I noticed something. They looked like they were upset about being on the floor. I'm not kidding.

Now, do they look more angry, sad, or afraid to you? Every time I look at them, I get a different emotion. Such versatile little outlets.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Day Four - Yoda Hat
Every Tuesday and Thursday, I hang out at math tutoring in our library after school. I never actually need to be tutored, but I love the people there. I sit at a table with my gay, Alliejandro, and Drew. My gay and I absolutely looove each other and he is definately my best male friend. Drew is a close second. His wardrobe is what my wardrobe aspires to be when it grows up. Here are a few examples: Reptar belt, Reptar shirt, Yoda backpack, and...
That's right. A Yoda hat. I have officially stolen it from him (to be returned tomorrow, of course) because I have absolutely fallen in love with it.
That's right. A Yoda hat. I have officially stolen it from him (to be returned tomorrow, of course) because I have absolutely fallen in love with it.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Day Three - Willow Smith
It seems like kids are getting famous younger and younger these days. Justin Beiber is a good example. Another example is Willow Smith. This girl is, what? Nine years old? And she's already got a single with a music video. Really? Yes, she's a good singer. But I can't help feeling like the only reason she got a record deal that young was because of her famous parents. Come one, now. At least wait until she hits puberty. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Willow Smith in her music video, Whip My Hair...
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Day Two - Nuns Shop For Undies Too!
The title essentially speaks for itself. This is what happens when my parents go shopping. My mom jokingly suggested that my father take a picture. My father took a picture. And that is my family.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Day One - 365 Project
I'd like to start off by saying Happy New Year, everyone! May 2011 be better than 2010. I know it will be for me. And now I'm sure you're all wondering what the purpose of this blog is. Well, I'll tell you.
Every day, for all of 2011, I will make a blog entry (they will vary in length), with a picture. By the end of the year, there will be 365 pictures, depicting my life. I'll start by introducing myself.
Every day, for all of 2011, I will make a blog entry (they will vary in length), with a picture. By the end of the year, there will be 365 pictures, depicting my life. I'll start by introducing myself.
I'm Zeus. This is me.
I'm eighteen years old, living in the middle of nowhere. I love to sing, and I've been told I'm decent at it. I'm almost six feet tall, have blond hair and green eyes,and am obsessed with Converse All-Stars. I own nine pairs (hi tops only). I absolutely adore all of my friends, my two best friends especially. I have an amazing boyfriend (a green-eyed ginger), whom I am incredibly fond of. There will always be a special place in my heart for gingers and people with green eyes. I like having a boyfriend, and he makes me happy, but a man is not required for me to enjoy life. He is, however, greatly appreciated. Also, I'll admit it, the 365 Project is not an original idea. Shhh...don't tell. Regardless of who came up with it, I intend to make it my own. So, I am Zeus, and this, my friends, is Day One.
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