Saturday, January 15, 2011

Day Fifteen - Dog Pile!

I was at the mall with a friend today, and I guess there was a Humane Society event going on. the entire center of the mall was filled with pens of puppies. There were a few cat cages, and some workers had older dogs walking around on leashes. I have a weakness for dogs, so I spent quite a bit of time here.
Dog pile! There was another puppy (I think he was a greyhound) who was so excited about all the people around his pen that he leaped up and clung to the top of the fence like some sort of spider dog. As I said, adorable. But what breaks my heart are the older dogs. No one ever wants to adopt them, and they're so sweet. So, please, take a trip to your local humane shelter and think about adopting a dog. Not a puppy. I know they're cute! But there are tons of people who want puppies. You may be the only person willing to give that dog a good home and a loving family for the remaining years of its life. Be kind, and adopt a dog.

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